What we think

Uncovering Customer Needs

15 minute read time Published 12.06.24 by Stuart Grant

This piece examines market research methods for uncovering customer needs critical to product innovation, highlighting their advantages and guidance for analysing data.

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Design Philosophies in Product Innovation

15 minute read time Published 11.06.24 by Stuart Grant

This article explores various design philosophies for involving users in product innovation, comparing their approaches and customer engagement levels.

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The Front End of Innovation

15 minute read time Published 11.06.24 by Stuart Grant

The article explores the Front End of Innovation (FEI) – a crucial component for companies seeking to align innovation with business goals and market needs.

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Impact of AI in the Discovery of Customer Needs and Insights

15 minute read time Published 03.06.24 by Stuart Grant

This article provides an overview of how AI can revolutionise discovering customer needs and insights for innovation. It also outlines AI's strengths and the challenges.

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